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You know someone’s been converted when they preach about prostates and the importance of Getting Checked!

In his mid-50s, Stu Johnson and his wife Delia were confronted with a stark reality that would alter the course of their lives prostate cancer.

Stu recalls the initial reluctance of his former physician to conduct a PSA test, dismissing his concerns due to his age. However, spurred by the experience of a friend who was diagnosed with prostate cancer, Stu persisted. What followed was a rollercoaster of PSA results, with a significant spike that led to biopsy. In 2021, Stu and Delia found themselves in a predicament, grappling with a prostate cancer diagnosis during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Navigating treatment options during this time presented its own set of challenges. Amidst canceled surgeries and postponed procedures, Stu found hope in an unexpected opportunity: joining the Prostate Cancer Centre research program. Dr. Gotto, his urologist, presented this option as an alternative to waiting for surgery during the lockdowns. For Stu, the decision was cleara chance to not only receive treatment but to contribute to the advancement of science for future generations.

Stu quickly signed up and his cancer treatment through the research program began. He found the treatments brought him hope during a time when no other options were possible. Eventually, on May 30th, 2022, Stu underwent surgery, marking a pivotal moment in his journey. With each subsequent follow-up appointment, the weight of uncertainty began to lift, replaced by a sense of optimism. The support of the research team provided not only medical care but a sense of family that proved invaluable.

Delia, a pillar of strength throughout the journey, reflects on the initial shock of the diagnosis, buts says, she found comfort in the comprehensive support classes and seminars offered through the PCC. From informative Zoom meetings to the compassionate care of volunteers who had walked a similar path, Delia and Stu felt a sense of community and support.

Cancer has reshaped their lives in unexpected ways. Stu, now an advocate for prostate health, calls himself the “Prostate Preacher” and encourages others to prioritize regular check-ups, echoing the sentiment shared by medical professionals and volunteers alike.

Throughout their journey, one thread remains unwavering gratitude. Gratitude for the unwavering support of their family physician, Dr. Grobbelaar, who went through all the details of prostate cancer when Stu was first diagnosed. Gratitude for Dr. Gotto, whose guidance provided hope in uncertain times. Gratitude for the dedicated research team, whose commitment to advancing medical knowledge provided Stu with treatment at a time when no other option was available.

Stu and Delia are a testament to the power of perseverance, the importance of community, and the transformative impact of medical research.